1 ) What is the perception of Positively UK’s peer support?
97.8% of respondents (n=1 31 ) stated they would recommend Positively UK’s peer support service
to other people
2) How does this support complement clinical care?
NHS Outcomes Framework has 5 domains, the second being ‘Enhancing quality of life for people with
long-term conditions’ and this evaluation focuses on the parameter:
- Ensuring people feel supported to manage their condition
This research proves that Positively UK’s peer support service contributes to helping people manage HI V
as a long-term condition, by improving a number of aspects of life including:
89% said that peer support improved their emotional well-being
88% said that peer support improved their understanding and management of HI V
84% said that peer support helped them access all the services they need
Above figures = total improvement some, often and all of the time
Domain 1
Domain 2
Domain 3
Domain 4
Domain 5
Preventing peopl e from dying prematurel y;
Enhancing qual ity of l ife for peopl e with l ong-term conditions;
Hel ping peopl e to recover from episodes of il l heal th or fol l owing injury;
Ensuring that peopl e have a positive experience of care; and
Treating and caring for peopl e in a safe environment and protecting
them from avoidabl e harm.
What we found
"Without Positively UK I wouldn' t have been the person I am today. Through
the support groups I was able to make friends; I now have a social life. I also
got advice and got help with immigration matters. Through the motivation I
received I have went back to school, have gained a BA and look forward to
getting back to work"
“I have learnt to be
positive about l ife”
“...I have gained self-