PiF Health Literacy Report - page 21

The findings from this survey show clearly
that among information producers there
is both an interest in health literacy and an
appetite to learn more about it. Set against
this is a lack of understanding about how to
produce resources and services that address
health literacy, and a general lack of guidance,
tools and appropriate training.
Although there is ongoing work in the UK
which focuses on research, measurement
and policy there is little focus on the end
user themselves and in creating services and
resources that meet a range of health literacy
needs. Clearly, information producers are
asking for guidance and practical resources
that they can use now. However, it is
important to balance this need against the
importance of getting these tools right; so
that they are evidence based and meaningful
and can make a genuine difference, but that
they also support national and local policy.
Following the publication of this report PiF
will continue to work with other organisations
and individuals that are active in the
health literacy field, to build collaborative
partnerships and to develop appropriate
resources for health information producers.
Many thanks go to all of the people and
organisations that took part in the survey, for
giving so freely of their time and opinion.
Feedback and updating
the report
PiF would welcome any comments on this
report, and would ask anyone with any
relevant information, or with questions to
contact Sarah Smith, Operations Director
by sending an email to:
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